Spas & Jacuzzis
The idea of a relaxing soak in hot water is by no means a new one. Throughout history people from many cultures have enjoyed this practice. From naturally occurring thermal springs to elaborately constructed bath houses, the benefits of hydrotherapy are well established.

Many hot springs have long histories of special status with Native American tribes. They used these natural spas for healing and believed the waters had other powers. The Romans took it a step further by incorporating these thermal waters into their communities.
They understood the rejuvenating characteristics of hydrotherapy and enjoyed their daily soaks in the company of their friends and peers. By the fifth century there were as many as 900 public baths in Rome alone. The Greeks, Egyptians, Turks, and the Japanese all enjoyed thermal springs and baths as part of their social and spiritual culture.
We undertake construction of Spa's and Jacuzzi's of any shape and size.